BURIED IN THE CATHEDRAL OF SAINTS PETER AND DONATUS (Arezzo, Cattedrale di S. Pietro e S. Donato, Piazza del Duomo):
Pope GREGORY X (+1276).
Initially buried in a Gothic marble sarcophagus executed in the 14th century and remodelled in 1807. Later his remains were reburied in a glass coffin on the left side of the High Altar.
(Avignon, Cathédrale de Notre-Dame-des-Doms, Place du Palais):
01. Pope JOHN XXII (+1334)
02. Pope BENEDICT XII (+1342).
Presently his sarcophagus is kept in the Calvet Museum in Avignon
(Bamberger Dom, Domplatz):
Pope CLEMENT II (+1047)
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF THE ABBEY OF MONTE CASSINO (Cassino, Basilica dell'Abbazia di Montecassino, Via Montecassino):
Pope VICTOR III (+1087)
(Abbaye de La Chaise-Dieu, Place de la Mairie):
Pope CLEMENT VI (+1352)
(Abbaye de Cluny, Place de l'Abbaye):
Pope GELASIUS II (+1119).
His tomb was destroyed by the Jacobins in 1790.
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF ST GEORGE THE MARTYR (Ferrara, Basilica Cattedrale di San Giorgio Martire, Piazza Trento Trieste):
Pope URBAN III (+1187)
(Firenze, Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, Piazza del Duomo):
01. Pope STEPHEN IX [X] (+1058).
The tomb has not been preserved.
02. Pope NICHOLAS II (+1061).
The tomb has not been preserved.
(Abbazia di Grottaferrata, Corso del Popolo):
Pope BENEDICT IX (+1055/56)
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF SANTA MARIA DI COLLEMAGGIO (L’Aquila, Basilica di Santa Maria di Collemaggio, Piazzale Collemaggio):
Pope CELESTINE V (+1296).
His heart was buried in the convent of Poor Clares at Ferentino.
(Marseille, Abbaye de St-Victor, Rue de l'Abbaye):
Pope URBAN V (+1370)
(Napoli, Duomo di San Gennaro, Via Duomo):
Pope INNOCENT IV (+1254)
(Abbazia di Nonantola, Piazza Abbazia):
Pope ADRIAN III (+885)
(Perugia, Basilica di San Domenico, Piazza Giordano Bruno):
Pope BENEDICT XI (+1304)
(Perugia, Duomo di San Lorenzo, Piazza 4. Novembre):
01. Pope URBAN IV (+1264)
02. Pope MARTIN IV (+1285)
(Pisa, Duomo, Piazza del Duomo):
Pope GREGORY VIII (+1187).
The tomb and the papal remains were destroyed in the 1600 fire of the Cathedral.
BURIED IN THE CHURCH OF SANTA MARIA DELLA ROTONDA-THE MAUSOLEUM OF THEODORIC (Ravenna, Chiesa di Santa Maria della Rotonda/Mausoleo di Teodorico, Via delle Industrie):
Pope VICTOR II (+1057).
The tomb has not been preserved.
(Recanati, Cattedrale San Flaviano, Via Brodolini):
Pope GREGORY XII (+1417)
(Roma, Chiesa di Sant'Agnese in Agone, Piazza Navona):
Pope INNOCENT X (+1655).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF SANT'ANDREA DELLA VALLE (Roma, Basilica di Sant’Andrea della Valle, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II):
01. Pope PIUS II (+1464)
02. Pope PIUS III (+1503).
His former sarcophagus is still kept in St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.
The remains of both popes were transferred here from St Peter's Basilica in the early 17th c.
(Roma, Basilica dei Santi Apostoli, Piazza dei Santi Apostoli):
Pope CLEMENT XIV (+1774).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF SANTA CROCE IN GERUSALEMME (Roma, Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, Piazza di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme):
Pope BENEDICT VII (+983).
The tomb has not been preserved, but the original Latin epitaph can still be seen inside the Basilica next to the main entrance.
(Roma, Chiesa di Santa Francesca Romana/Santa Maria Nuova, Piazza Santa Francesca Romana):
Pope GREGORY XI (+1378)
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF ST JOHN LATERAN (Roma, Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, Piazza di Porta San Giovanni):
01. Pope LEO V (+903).
Uncertain. The tomb has not been preserved.
02. Pope JOHN X (+928).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
03. Pope AGAPITUS II (+955).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
04. Pope JOHN XI (+935/936).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
05. Pope JOHN XII (+964).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
06. Pope SILVESTER II (+1003).
The tomb has been lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308. There is a cenotaph to this pope from 1909.
07. Pope JOHN XVII (+1003).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
08. Pope SERGIUS IV (+1012).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308. The cenotaph to this pope comes from the 17th century.
09. Pope ALEXANDER II (+1073).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
10. Pope PASCHAL II (+1118).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
11. Pope CALLISTUS II (+1124).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
12. Pope HONORIUS II (+1130).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
13. Pope CELESTINE II (+1144).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
14. Pope LUCIUS II (+1145).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
15. Pope ANASTASIUS IV (+1154).
The tomb has not been preserved. The porphyry sarcophagus of Saint Helen, once used for burial of Pope Anastasius IV, is now kept in the Vatican Museums.
16. Pope ALEXANDER III (+1181).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308. There is a cenotaph to this pope from the 17th century.
17. Pope CLEMENT III (+1191).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
18. Pope CELESTINE III (+1198).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
19. Pope INNOCENT III (+1216).
Buried firstly in the Cathedral of Perugia. In 1883 reburied in the Basilica of St John Lateran.
20. Pope INNOCENT V (+1276).
The tomb has not been preserved. Probably lost in the fire of the basilica in 1308.
21. Pope MARTIN V (+1431)
22. Pope CLEMENT XII (+1740).
Two years after his burial in St Peter's in Rome he was translated to the Basilica of St John Lateran. His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
23. Pope LEO XIII (+1903).
Provisionally buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In 1924 translated to the Basilica of St John Lateran. His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
(Roma, Chiesa di Sant'Ignazio di Loyola, Via del Caravita):
Pope GREGORY XV (+1623).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF SAINT LAWRENCE OUTSIDE THE WALLS (Roma, Basilica di San Lorenzo fuori le Mura, Piazzale di San Lorenzo):
01. Pope DAMASUS II (+1048).
Preserved is the sarcophagus which probably served as papal tomb (source: Montini)
02. Pope PIUS IX (+1878).
Firstly buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In 1881 translated to the Basilica of St Lawrence Outside the Walls. The heart and the viscera of Pope Pius IX were walled up in the Vatican Grottoes of St Peter's Basilica behind a plaque bearing the coat of arms of this pontiff.
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF SANTA MARIA DEGLI ANGELI (Roma, Basilica di Santa Maria degli Angeli, Piazza della Repubblica):
Pope PIUS IV (+1565).
Firstly buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. Reburied here in 1583.
BURIED IN THE CHURCH OF SANTA MARIA DELL’ANIMA (Roma, Chiesa di Santa Maria dell'Anima, Via di Santa Maria dell'Anima):
Pope ADRIAN VI (+1523).
Firstly buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. Reburied here shortly afterwards.
BURIED IN THE CHURCH OF SANTA MARIA DI MONSERRATO (Roma, Chiesa di Santa Maria di Monserrato, Via di Monserrato):
01. Pope CALLISTUS III (+1458).
His former sarcophagus is still kept in St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.
02. Pope ALEXANDER VI (+1503).
Initially both popes were buried in the Rotunda of Santa Maria della Febbre adjacent to St Peter's Basilica in Rome. With the demolition of the Rotunda in 1586, their remains were temporary transferred to St Peter's Basilica and in 1610 translated to the Church of Santa Maria di Monserrato where the urn with papal remains was kept in the sacristy until 1889. In 1889 reburied in a double tomb.
(Roma, Basilica di Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Piazza Campidoglio):
Pope HONORIUS IV (+1287).
Buried firstly in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. Reburied here in 1545.
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF SANTA MARIA IN TRASTEVERE (Roma, Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere, Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere):
Pope INNOCENT II (+1143).
Buried firstly in the Basilica of St John Lateran. Translated here following the disastrous fire of the basilica in 1308.
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF SAINT MARY MAJOR (Roma, Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore, Piazza di Santa Maria Maggiore):
01. Pope HONORIUS III (+1227).
The tomb has not been preserved.
02. Pope NICHOLAS IV (+1292)
03. Pope PIUS V (+1572).
Provisionally buried in the Basilica of St Peter in Rome, but in 1583 translated to Saint Mary Major.
04. Pope SIXTUS V (+1590).
Provisionally buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome, but translated to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in 1591. His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
05. Pope CLEMENT VIII (+1605).
Buried firstly in St Peter's Basilica. Translated to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in 1646.
06. Pope PAUL V (+1621).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
07. Pope CLEMENT IX (+1669).
Provisionally buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome and in 1680 translated to the Basilica of Saint Mary Major. His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF SANTA MARIA SOPRA MINERVA (Roma, Basilica di Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Piazza della Minerva):
01. Pope LEO X (+1521).
Buried provisionally in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In 1536 reburied in the Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.
02. Pope CLEMENT VII (+1534).
Buried provisionally in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In 1542 translated to the Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.
03. Pope PAUL IV (+1559).
Buried provisionally in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In 1566 translated to the Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.
04. Pope URBAN VII (+1590).
Buried provisionally in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In 1606 translated to the Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva.
05. Pope BENEDICT XIII (+1730).
Buried provisionally in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In 1738 translated to the Basilica of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva. Heart and viscera of Pope Benedict XIII were buried firstly together with those of Queen Christina of Sweden in the Vatican Grottoes of St Peter's Basilica. In the 1950s moved to another location (next to the Chapel of S. Maria de Pregnantibus), not accessible to visitors.
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF ST PAUL OUTSIDE THE WALLS (Roma, Basilica di San Paolo fuori le mura, Via Ostiense):
01. Pope JOHN XIII (+972).
The tomb has not been preserved.
02. Pope JOHN XVIII (+1009).
The tomb has not been preserved.
(Roma, Basilica San Pietro, Piazza San Pietro):
01. Pope STEPHEN II [III] (+757).
The tomb has not been preserved.
02. Pope PAUL I (+767).
Buried firstly in the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls, but shortly afterwards translated to St Peter's. The tomb has not been preserved.
03. Pope STEPHEN III [IV] (+772).
The tomb has not been preserved.
04. Pope ADRIAN I (+795).
The tomb has not been preserved. There is only his Latin epitaph left.
05. Pope LEO III (+816).
His burial site in the altar of Madonna della Colonna is marked by a marble plaque from 1607 commemorating the relocation of his remains. Buried with Pope Leo IV.
06. Pope STEPHEN IV [V] (+817).
The tomb has not been preserved.
07. Pope PASCHAL I (+824).
The tomb has not been preserved.
08. Pope EUGENE II (+827).
The tomb has not been preserved.
09. Pope VALENTINE (+827).
The tomb has not been preserved.
10. Pope GREGORY IV (+844).
The tomb has not been preserved.
11. Pope SERGIUS II (+847).
The tomb has not been preserved.
12. Pope LEO IV (+855).
His burial site in the altar of Madonna della Colonna is marked by a marble plaque from 1607 commemorating the relocation of his remains. Buried with Pope Leo III.
13. Pope BENEDICT III (+858).
The tomb has not been preserved.
14. Pope NICHOLAS I THE GREAT (+867).
The tomb has not been preserved. A piece of his epitaph is kept in the Vatican Grottoes.
15. Pope ADRIAN II (+872).
The tomb has not been preserved.
16. Pope JOHN VIII (+882).
The tomb has not been preserved.
17. Pope MARINUS I (+884).
The tomb has not been preserved.
18. Pope STEPHEN V [VI] (+891).
The tomb has not been preserved.
19. Pope FORMOSUS (+896).
The tomb has not been preserved.
20. Pope BONIFACE VI (+896).
The tomb has not been preserved.
21. Pope STEPHEN VI [VII] (+897).
The tomb has not been preserved.
22. Pope ROMANUS (+897?).
The tomb has not been preserved.
23. Pope THEODORE II (+897).
The tomb has not been preserved.
24. Pope JOHN IX (+900).
The tomb has not been preserved.
25. Pope BENEDICT IV (+903).
The tomb has not been preserved.
26. Pope SERGIUS III (+911).
The tomb has not been preserved.
27. Pope ANASTASIUS III (+913).
The tomb has not been preserved.
28. Pope LANDO (+914).
The tomb has not been preserved.
29. Pope LEO VI (+928).
The tomb has not been preserved.
30. Pope STEPHEN VII [VIII] (+931).
The tomb has not been preserved.
31. Pope LEO VII (+939).
The tomb has not been preserved.
32. Pope STEPHEN VIII [IX] (+942).
The tomb has not been preserved.
33. Pope MARINUS II (+946).
The tomb has not been preserved.
34. Pope BENEDICT VI (+974).
The tomb has not been preserved. The body of this pope had been thrown into the Tiber, but later supposedly reburied in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
35. Pope JOHN XIV (+984).
The tomb has not been preserved.
36. Pope JOHN XV (+996).
The tomb has not been preserved.
37. Pope GREGORY V (+999)
38. Pope BENEDICT VIII (+1024).
The tomb has not been preserved.
39. Pope JOHN XIX (+1032).
The tomb has not been preserved.
40. Pope LEO IX (+1054)
41. Pope URBAN II (+1099).
The tomb has not been preserved.
42. Pope EUGENE III (+1153).
The tomb has not been preserved.
43. Pope ADRIAN IV (+1159)
44. Pope GREGORY IX (+1241).
The tomb has not been preserved.
45. Pope CELESTINE IV (+1241).
The tomb has not been preserved.
46. Pope NICHOLAS III (+1280)
47. Pope BONIFACE VIII (+1303)
48. Pope URBAN VI (+1389)
49. Pope BONIFACE IX (+1404).
The tomb has not been preserved.
50. Pope INNOCENT VII (+1406)
51. Pope NICHOLAS V (+1455)
52. Pope PAUL II (+1471)
53. Pope SIXTUS IV (+1484)
54. Pope INNOCENT VIII (+1492)
55. Pope JULIUS II (+1513).
Buried under the pavement of St Peter's together with Pope Sixtus IV under a simple slab with a Latin inscription. A sumptuous tomb in the Basilica of St Peter in Vincoli (Rome) had been commissioned for Pope Julius II and executed by Michelangelo. The pope, however, was never buried there.
56. Pope PAUL III (+1549)
57. Pope JULIUS III (+1555)
58. Pope MARCELLUS II (+1555)
59. Pope GREGORY XIII (+1585)
60. Pope GREGORY XIV (+1591)
61. Pope INNOCENT IX (+1591)
62. Pope LEO XI (+1605).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
63. Pope URBAN VIII (+1644)
64. Pope ALEXANDER VII (+1667).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
65. Pope CLEMENT X (+1676).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
66. Pope INNOCENT XI (+1689).
His viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
67. Pope ALEXANDER VIII (+1691).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
68. Pope INNOCENT XII (+1700).
The heart of Pope Innocent XII had been originally buried in the Cathedral of St Januarius in Naples. His viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
69. Pope CLEMENT XI (+1721).
His viscera were buried in the church of St Francis at Urbino. His heart was buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
70. Pope INNOCENT XIII (+1724).
The heart of this pontiff was walled up inside the church of Sanctuary in Mentorella sul Monte Guadagnolo. His viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
71. Pope BENEDICT XIV (+1758).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
72. Pope CLEMENT XIII (+1769).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
73. Pope PIUS VI (+1799).
Buried firstly in the cemetery of St Catherine in Valence, France. In 1802 his remains were translated to Rome and reburied in the Vatican Grottoes. His heart was buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome. His viscera had been firstly buried in the Roman Church of Ss. Vincenzo e Anastasio, but in 1803 on the request of the bishop of Valence, they were reburied in the Cathedral of Valence.
74. Pope PIUS VII (+1823).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
75. Pope LEO XII (+1829).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
76. Pope PIUS VIII (+1830).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
77. Pope GREGORY XVI (+1846).
His heart and viscera were buried in the Church of Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio in Rome.
78. Pope PIUS X (+1914)
79. Pope BENEDICT XV (+1922)
80. Pope PIUS XI (+1939)
81. Pope PIUS XII (+1958)
82. Pope JOHN XXIII (+1963)
83. Pope PAUL VI (+1978)
84. Pope JOHN PAUL I (+1978)
85. Pope JOHN PAUL II THE GREAT (+2005)
86. Pope BENEDICT XVI (+2022)
BURIED IN THE CHURCH OF SAN SALVATORE IN LAURO (Roma, Chiesa di San Salvatore in Lauro, Piazza San Salvatore in Lauro):
Pope EUGENE IV (+1447).
Buried firstly in St Peter's Basilica in Rome, later translated to San Salvatore's.
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF ST MATTHEW (Salerno, Basilica Cattedrale SS. Matteo e Gregorio Magno, Via Duomo):
Pope GREGORY VII (+1085)
(Uzeste, l'église collégiale Notre-Dame, place de l'Église):
Pope CLEMENT V (+1314)
(Verona, Duomo, Piazza Duomo):
Pope LUCIUS III (+1185)
BURIED IN THE CHURCH OF THE CARTHUSIAN MONASTERY (Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, l'église de Chartreuse du Val-de-Bénédiction, Rue de la République):
Pope INNOCENT VI (+1362)
(Viterbo, Cattedrale di San Lorenzo, Piazza San Lorenzo):
01. Pope ALEXANDER IV (+1261).
The tomb has not been preserved. It was probably lost during extensive restauration of the Cathedral in 1490.
02. Pope JOHN XXI (+1277)
BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF ST FRANCIS (Viterbo, Basilica di San Francesco alla Rocca, Piazza San Francesco alla Rocca):
01. Pope CLEMENT IV (+1268).
Originally buried in the Dominican Church in Viterbo. After a few years the tomb had been translated to the Cathedral of Viterbo, but was returned to the Dominican Church already during the reign of Pope Gregory X. The tomb had remained in the Dominican Church until 1890, when it was for the last time translated to the Basilica of St Francis in Viterbo.
02. Pope ADRIAN V (+1276)
PAPAL STATES 754-1809:
752-757: STEPHEN II [III] (Stephanus II [III])
Born in ?
Elected pope in 752.
Died in 757.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
757-767: PAUL I (Paulus I)
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 757.
Died in 767 in Rome.
Buried firstly in St Paul's Basilica in Rome.
Three months later he was reburied in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
768-772: STEPHEN III [IV] (Stephanus III [IV])
Born in ? in Syracuse, Sicily.
Elected pope in 768.
Died in 772.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
772-795: ADRIAN I (Hadrianus I)
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 772.
Died in 795 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb, epitaph only).
795-816: LEO III
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 795.
Died in 816.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
816-817: STEPHEN IV [V] (Stephanus IV [V])
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 816.
Died in 817 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
817-824: PASCHAL I (Paschalis I)
Born in ? in Rome.
Father: Bonosus.
Elected pope in 817.
Died in 824 in Rome.
Buried firstly in the Basilica of St Praxedis in Rome. Reburied before 827 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
824-827: EUGENE II (Eugenius II)
Born in ? in Rome as Eugenio Savelli.
Elected pope in 824.
Died in 827.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
827: VALENTINE (Valentinus)
Born in ? in Rome.
Father: Leontius.
Elected pope in 827.
Died in 827.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
827-844: GREGORY IV (Gregorius IV)
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 827.
Died in 844.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
844-847: SERGIUS II
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 844.
Died in 847.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
847-855: LEO IV
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 847.
Died in 855.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
855-858: BENEDICT III (Benedictus III)
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 855.
Died in 858.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
858-867: NICHOLAS I THE GREAT (Nicolaus I Magnus)
Born in c. 820 in Rome.
Father: Theodore.
Elected pope in 858.
Died in 867 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
867-872: ADRIAN II (Hadrianus II)
Born in 792 in Rome.
Elected pope in 867.
Died in 872.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
872-882: JOHN VIII (Ioannes VIII)
Born in ? in Rome.
Father: Gundo.
Elected pope in 872.
Died in 882 in Rome (assassinated).
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
882-884: MARINUS I
Born in ? in Gallese near Viterbo.
He was papal legate to Constantinople.
Elected pope in 882.
Died in 884.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
884-885: ADRIAN III (Hadrianus III)
Born in ? in Rome.
Father: Count Benedetto.
Elected pope in 884.
Died in 885 at S. Cesario sul Panaro.
Buried in the Abbey of Nonantola near Modena.
885-891: STEPHEN V [VI] (Stephanus V [VI])
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 885.
Died in 891.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
891-896: FORMOSUS
Born in c. 816 in Ostia (or in Rome)
Elected pope in 891.
Died in 896 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
896: BONIFACE VI (Bonifacius VI)
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 896.
Died in 896.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
896-897: STEPHEN VI [VII] (Stephanus VI [VII])
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 896.
Died in 897.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
Born in ? in Gallese near Cività Castellana.
Elected pope in 897.
Deposed in 897.
Died in 897(?)
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
897: THEODORE II (Theodorus II)
Born in ? in Rome (or in Constantinople).
Father: Photius I, patriarch of Constantinople.
Elected pope in 897.
Died in 897 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
898-900: JOHN IX (Ioannes IX)
Born in ?
Elected pope in 898.
Died in 900.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
900-903: BENEDICT IV (Benedictus IV)
Born in ? in Rome.
Father: Mammolus.
Elected pope in 900.
Died in 903.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
903: LEO V
Born in ? in Ardea.
Father: Count Taino.
Elected pope in 903.
Deposed and imprisoned in 903.
Died in 903 in Rome (murdered).
His burial place is unknown (some sources point at the Basilica of St John Lateran, Rome).
904-911: SERGIUS III
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 904.
Died in 911 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
Born in ? in Rome.
Father: Lucian.
Elected pope in 911.
Died in 913 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
913-914: LANDO (Landus)
Born in ? in Sabina.
Father: Count Taino.
Elected pope in 913.
Died in 914 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
914-928: JOHN X (Ioannes X)
Born in ? in Tossignano.
He was archbishop of Ravenna when elected pope in 914.
Deposed in 928 and imprisoned.
Died in 929 in Rome (murdered).
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
928: LEO VI
Born in ? in Rome.
Father: Cristoforo.
Elected pope in 928.
Died in 928 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
928-931: STEPHEN VII [VIII] (Stephanus VII [VIII])
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 928.
Died in 931.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
931-935/936: JOHN XI (Ioannes XI)
Born in c. 910 in Rome.
Father: Pope Sergius III. Mother: Marozia.
Elected pope in 931.
Died in 935/935 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
936-939: LEO VII
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 936.
Died in 939.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
939-942: STEPHEN VIII [IX] (Stephanus VIII [IX])
Born in ? in Germany.
Elected pope in 939.
Died in 942 in Rome (murdered).
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
942-946: MARINUS II
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 942.
Died in 946 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
946-955: AGAPITUS II
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 946.
Died in 955 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
955-964: JOHN XII (Ioannes XII)
Born in c. 937 in Rome as Ottaviano.
Father: Alberic II of Spoleto. Mother: Alda.
Elected pope in 955.
Died in 964 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb)
963/964-965: LEO VIII
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 963.
Died in 965 in Rome.
His burial place is unknown (possibly buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome; no tomb).
964: BENEDICT V (Benedictus V)
Born in ? in Rome.
Elected pope in 964.
Deposed in 964 and exiled in Hamburg.
Died in 966 at Hamburg.
Buried firstly in the Cathedral of Hamburg. Reburied in Rome in 999 (probably in St Peter's; no tomb).
965-972: JOHN XIII (Ioannes XIII)
Born in ? in Rome as Giovanni Crescenzi.
Father: Giovanni Crescenzi. Mother: Teodora dei Teofiliati.
Elected pope in 965.
Died in 972 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls in Rome (no tomb).
973-974: BENEDICT VI (Benedictus VI)
Born in ? in Rome.
Father: Hildebrand.
Elected pope in 973.
Deposed and imprisoned in 974.
Died in 974 in Rome (strangled).
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
974-983: BENEDICT VII (Benedictus VII)
Born in ? in Rome.
Father: Count David of Tusculum.
Elected pope in 974.
Died in 983 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme in Rome (no tomb, epitaph only).
983-984: JOHN XIV (Ioannes XIV)
Born in ? in Pavia as Pietro Canepanova.
He was bishop of Pavia when elected pope in 983.
Died in 984 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
985-996: JOHN XV (Ioannes XV)
Born in ? in Rome as Giovanni di Gallina Alba.
Father: Leone.
Elected pope in 985.
Died in 996 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
996-999: GREGORY V (Gregorius V)
Born in c. 972 in Saxony, Germany as Bruno of Carinthia.
Father: Duke Otto of Carinthia.
Elected pope in 996.
Died in 999 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
999-1003: SILVESTER II
Born in c. 945 in Auvergne, France as Gerbert d'Aurillac.
He was archbishop of Ravenna when elected pope in 999.
Died in 1003 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
1003: JOHN XVII (Ioannes XVII)
Born in ? in Rome as Giovanni Sicco.
Elected pope in 1003.
Died in 1003 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
1003-1009: JOHN XVIII (Ioannes XVIII)
Born in ? in Rapagnano as Giovanni Fasano.
Father: Leo.
Elected pope in 1003.
Died in 1009 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St Paul Outside the Walls in Rome (no tomb).
1009-1012: SERGIUS IV
Born in ? in Rome as Pietro Boccapecora.
Father: Pietro Boccapecora. Mother: Stefania.
He was bishop of Albano when elected pope in 1009.
Died in 1012 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
1012-1024: BENEDICT VIII (Benedictus VIII)
Born in ? in Rome as Teofilatto dei Conti di Tuscolo.
Father: Count Gregorio di Tuscolo. Mother: Countess Maria.
Elected pope in 1012.
Died in 1024 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
1024-1032: JOHN XIX (Ioannes XIX)
Born in ? in Rome as Romano dei Conti di Tuscolo.
Father: Count Gregorio di Tuscolo. Mother: Countess Maria.
Elected pope in 1024.
Died in 1032 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
1032-1044, 1045 and 1047-1048: BENEDICT IX (Benedictus IX)
Born in c. 1012 in Rome as Teofillato di Tuscolo.
Father: Count Alberic III of Tusculum.
Elected pope in 1032.
He was crowned in 1033.
Deposed in 1044. Restored in 1045.
Deposed again in 1045. Restored in 1047.
Deposed finally in 1048.
Died in 1055/56 at Grottaferrata.
Buried in the Monastery of Grottaferrata near Rome.
Born in ? in Rome as Giovanni dei Crescenzi-Ottaviani.
He was bishop of Sabina when elected pope in 1045.
Deposed and expelled from Rome in 1045.
Died in 1062/63 at Sabina.
His burial place is unknown.
1045-1046: GREGORY VI (Gregorius VI)
Born in ? as Johannes Gratianus.
Elected pope in 1045.
Abdicated in 1046 at Sutri near Rome and left for Germany.
Died in 1047 probably in Cologne.
His burial place is unknown (some sources claim St Peter's in Rome as his burial place).
1046-1047: CLEMENT II (Clemens II)
Born in 1005 at Hornburg, Lower Saxony as Suidger von Morsleben.
Father: Count Konrad von Morsleben. Mother: Amulrad von Erp.
He was bishop of Bamberg when appointed pope in 1046 by German King Henry III.
He was crowned in 1046 in Rome.
Died in 1047 in the Abbey of S. Tommaso near Pesaro.
Buried in the Cathedral of Bamberg, Germany.
Born probably at Pildenau in Bavaria as Poppo.
Father: Count Poppo II of Rott.
He was bishop of Brixen (Bressanone) when appointed pope in 1048 by Emperor Henry III.
He was crowned in 1048 in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
Died in 1048 at Palestrina.
Buried in the Basilica of St Lawrence Outside the Walls in Rome.
1048/1049-1054: SAINT LEO IX (Sanctus Leo IX)
Born in 1102 at Eguisheim, Alsace as Bruno of Eguisheim-Dagsburg.
Father: Count Hugo of Eguisheim-Dagsburg. Mother: Countess Hedwig.
He was bishop of Toul when elected pope in 1048 in Worms.
He was crowned in 1049 in Rome.
Died in 1054 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Canonised by Pope Victor III in 1087.
1055-1057: VICTOR II
Born in c. 1018 in Swabia as Gebhard von Dollnestein-Hirschberg.
Father: Count Hartwig von Dollnstein-Hirschberg.
He was bishop of Eichstätt when appointed pope by Emperor Henry III in 1054 at Mainz.
He was crowned in 1055 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1057 in Arezzo.
Buried in the Church of Santa Maria della Rotonda at Ravenna (no tomb).
1057-1058: STEPHEN IX [X] (Stephanus IX [X])
Born in c. 1020 as Frederic de Lorraine.
Father: Duke Gothelo I of Upper and Lower Lorraine.
He was papal legate to Constantinople.
He was abbot of Monte Cassino when elected pope in 1057.
Died in 1058 in Florence.
Buried in the Church of Santa Reparata (now the Cathedral of Florence; no tomb).
1058-1061: NICHOLAS II (Nicolaus II)
Born in c. 1010 in Lorraine or Burgundy as Gérard de Bourgogne.
He was bishop of Florence when elected pope in 1058.
He was crowned in 1059 in Rome.
Died in 1061 in Rome.
Buried in the Church of Santa Reparata (now the Cathedral of Florence; no tomb).
1061-1073: ALEXANDER II
Born in c. 1010/15 at Baggio near Milan as Anselmo da Baggio.
He was bishop of Lucca when elected pope in 1061.
Died in 1073 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
1073-1085: SAINT GREGORY VII (Sanctus Gregorius VII)
Born in c. 1020/25 at Sovana (Soana), Tuscany as Ildebrando (Hildebrand) di Soana.
Elected pope in 1073 in Rome.
Died in 1085 at Salerno.
Buried in the Cathedral of Salerno.
Canonised by Pope Paul V in 1606.
1086-1087: VICTOR III
Born in c. 1026 in Benevento as Dauferius.
He was abbot of Monte Cassino when elected pope in 1086.
Died in 1087 at Monte Cassino.
Buried in the Basilica of the Monastery of Monte Cassino (1944-1963 his remains were kept in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls in Rome).
1088-1099: URBAN II (Urbanus II)
Born in 1042 at Lagery near Châtillon-sur-Marne, France as Odon de Lagery.
He was papal legate to Germany 1084-85.
He was bishop of Ostia when elected pope in 1088 at Terracina near Rome.
Died in 1099 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
1099-1118: PASCHAL II (Paschalis II)
Born in ? at Bieda (now Bleda) as Rainero Raineri di Bieda.
Elected pope in 1099.
Died in 1118 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
1118-1119: GELASIUS II
Born in c. 1060 at Gaeta as Giovanni Caetani.
Elected pope in 1118 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1118 at Gaeta.
Exiled in France 1119.
Died in 1119 at Cluny.
Buried in the Abbey of Cluny, France. The tomb was destroyed in 1790 by the Jacobins.
1119-1124: CALLISTUS II
Born in c. 1050 at Quingey as Guy de Bourgogne.
Father: Count William I of Burgundy. Mother: Countess Stephanie.
He was archbishop of Vienne when elected pope in 1119.
He was crowned in 1119 in the Cathedral of St Maurice in Vienne, France.
Died in 1124 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
1124-1130: HONORIUS II
Born in c. 1036 at Fiagnano near Imola as Lamberto Scannabecchi.
Elected pope in 1124.
Died in 1130 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
1130-1143: INNOCENT II (Innocentius II)
Born in ? in Rome as Gregorio Papareschi.
Elected pope in 1130.
Died in 1143 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome, later reburied in the Basilica of S. Maria in Trastevere in Rome.
1143-1144: CELESTINE II (Coelestinus II)
Born in ? at Città di Castello as Guido di Castello.
He was papal legate to France 1139-1140.
Elected pope in 1143.
Died in 1144 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
1144-1145: LUCIUS II
Born in ? in Bologna as Gherardo Caccianemici dall'Orso.
He was papal legate to Germany.
Elected pope in 1144.
He was crowned in 1144 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1145 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
1145-1153: EUGENE III (Eugenius III)
Born in ? in Pisa as Bernardo Paganelli.
He was abbot of a Cirstercian monastery when elected pope in 1145.
He was crowned in the Abbey of Farfa in 1145.
Exiled in Tuscany and in France 1146-1149.
Died in 1153 at Tivoli.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
1153-1154: ANASTASIUS IV
Born in ? in Rome as Corrado di Suburra.
Father: Benedetto di Suburra.
He was bishop of Sabina when elected pope in 1153.
He was crowned in 1153 in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
Died in 1154 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
1154-1159: ADRIAN IV (Hadrianus IV)
Born in c. 1100 at Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, England as Nicholas Breakspeare.
Father: Robert Breakspeare.
He was papal legate to Norway and Sweden.
Elected pope in 1154 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1154 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1159 at Anagni.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1159-1181: ALEXANDER III
Born in c. 1100 in Siena as Rolando Bandinelli.
Elected pope in 1159.
Died in 1181 in Cività Castellana.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
1181-1185: LUCIUS III
Born in 1097 in Lucca as Ubaldo Allucingoli.
Elected pope in 1181.
He was crowned in 1181 in the Cathedral of Velletri.
Died in 1185 in Verona.
Buried in the Cathedral of Verona.
1185-1187: URBAN III (Urbanus III)
Born in c. 1120 at Cuggiono as Uberto Crivelli.
He was archbishop of Milan when elected pope in 1185.
He was crowned in 1185 in the Cathedral of St Peter in Verona.
Died in 1187 in Ferrara.
Buried in the Cathedral of Ferrara.
1187: GREGORY VIII (Gregorius VIII)
Born in c. 1100 in Benevento as Alberto de Morra.
Elected pope in 1187 in Ferrara.
He was crowned in 1187 in Ferrara.
Died in 1198 in Rome.
Buried in the Cathedral of Pisa (no tomb).
1187-1191: CLEMENT III (Clemens III)
Born in ? in Rome as Paolo Scolari.
Elected pope in 1187.
Died in 1187 in Pisa.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
1191-1198: CELESTINE III (Coelestinus III)
Born in c. 1106 in Rome as Giacinto Bobone.
Elected pope in 1191.
He was crowned in 1191.
Died in 1198 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
1198-1216: INNOCENT III (Innocentius III)
Born in c. 1161 in Gavignano as Lotario di Segni.
Father: Trasimondo di Segni. Mother: Clarissa Scotti.
Elected pope in 1198 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1198 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1216 in Perugia.
Buried firstly in the Cathedral of Perugia.
In 1883 translated to the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome and buried in present sarcophagus in 1891.
1216-1227: HONORIUS III
Born in 1148 in Rome as Cencio Savelli.
Elected pope in 1216 at Perugia.
He was crowned in 1216 in Rome.
Died in 1227 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome (no tomb).
1227-1241: GREGORY IX (Gregorius IX)
Born in c. 1143 at Anagni as Ugolino di Conti.
He was papal legate to Germany.
He was bishop of Ostia when elected pope in 1227.
He was crowned in 1227 in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
Died in 1241 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
1241: CELESTINE IV (Coelestinus IV)
Born in ? in Milan as Goffredo Castiglioni.
He was papal legate to Lombardy and Tuscany.
Elected pope in 1241 in Rome.
Died in 1241 in Rome prior to his coronation.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
1243-1254: INNOCENT IV (Innocentius IV)
Born in c. 1195 in Manarola as Sinibaldo Fieschi.
Elected pope in 1243 in Anagni.
He was crowned in 1243 in Anagni.
Died in 1254 at Naples.
Buried in the Cathedral of Naples.
1254-1261: ALEXANDER IV
Born in c. 1199 at Anagni as Rinaldo Conti.
Elected pope in 1254 at Naples.
He was crowned in 1254 at Naples.
Died in 1261 in Viterbo.
Buried in the Cathedral of Viterbo (no tomb).
1261-1264: URBAN IV (Urbanus IV)
Born in c. 1195 in Troyes, France as Jacques Pantaléon.
He was papal legate to Poland, 1247-1248.
He was patriarch of Jerusalem when elected pope in 1261 in Viterbo.
He was crowned in 1261 in Viterbo.
Died in 1264 in Perugia.
Buried in the Cathedral of Perugia.
1265-1268: CLEMENT IV (Clemens IV)
Born in c. 1195 at St-Gilles-sur-Rhone, France as Gui Foulques.
Elected pope in 1265 in Perugia.
He was papal legate to England.
He was crowned in 1265 in the Cathedral of Perugia.
Died in 1268 in Viterbo.
Buried in the Church of St Francis at Viterbo.
1271-1276: GREGORY X (Gregorius X)
Born in c. 1210 in Piacenza as Tebaldo Visconti.
Elected pope in 1271 in Viterbo.
He was crowned in 1272 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1276 in Arezzo.
Buried in the Cathedral of Arezzo.
1276: INNOCENT V (Innocentius V)
Born in c. 1225 at Champagny, France as Pierre de Tarentaise.
Elected pope in 1276.
He was crowned in 1276 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1276 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (no tomb).
1276: ADRIAN V (Hadrianus V)
Born in c. 1205 in Genoa as Ottobono Fieschi.
Elected pope in 1276.
He was papal legate to England.
Died in 1276 in Viterbo prior to his coronation.
Buried in the Church of St Francis at Viterbo.
1276-1277: JOHN XXI (Ioannes XXI)
Born in c. 1215 in Lisbon as Pedro Juliaõ.
Elected pope in 1276.
He was crowned in 1276 in the Cathedral of Viterbo.
Died in 1277 in Viterbo.
Buried in the Cathedral of Viterbo.
1277-1280: NICHOLAS III (Nicolaus III)
Born in c. 1216 in Rome as Giovanni Orsini
Elected pope in 1277.
He was crowned in 1277 in Rome.
Died in 1280 at Soriano nel Cimino near Viterbo.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1281-1285: MARTIN IV (Martinus IV)
Born in c. 1210 at Château Montpensier, France, as Simon de Brie.
Elected pope in 1281 in Viterbo.
He was papal legate to France.
He was crowned in 1281 in Orvieto.
Died in 1285 in Perugia.
Buried in the Cathedral of Perugia.
1285-1287: HONORIUS IV
Born in c. 1210 in Rome as Giacomo Savelli.
Elected pope in 1285.
He was crowned in 1285 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1287 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
In 1545 his tomb was translated to the Church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Rome.
1288-1292: NICHOLAS IV (Nicolaus IV)
Born in 1227 at Lisciano as Girolamo Masci.
He was general of the Franciscans when elected pope in 1288.
He was papal legate to Constantinople.
He was crowned in 1288 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1292 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome.
1294: SAINT CELESTINE V (Sanctus Coelestinus V)
Born in c. 1210/1215 at Sabtangelo Limosano as Pietro Angelerio.
Father: Angelo Angelerio. Mother: Maria Leone.
He was a monk when elected pope in 1294 in Perugia.
He was crowned in 1294 in the Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio at L'Aquila.
Abdicated in 1294 at Naples.
Died in 1296 at Fumone.
Buried firstly in the Church of St Anthony in Ferentino. In 1327 reburied in the Church of St Agatha in Ferentino. Later translated to the Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio in L'Aquila.
Canonised by Pope Clement V in 1313.
1294-1303: BONIFACE VIII (Bonifacius VIII)
Born in c. 1235 at Anagni as Benedetto Caetani.
Elected pope in 1294 in Castel Nuovo, Naples.
He was crowned in 1295 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1303 at the Vatican, Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica, Rome.
1303-1304: BENEDICT XI (Benedictus XI)
Born in 1240 at Treviso as Niccoló Boccasino.
He was papal legate to Hungary.
He was cardinal bishop of Ostia when elected pope in 1303 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1303 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1304 at Perugia.
Buried at the Basilica of St Dominic in Perugia.
1305-1314: CLEMENT V (Clemens V)
Born in c. 1260 at Villandraut, Gironde (France) as Bertrand de Got.
He was archbishop of Bordeaux when elected pope in 1305 in Perugia.
He was crowned in 1305 in the Basilica of St Justus in Lyon.
Died in 1314 at Roquemaure near Carpentras.
Buried in the Church of Notre-Dame in Uzeste, France.
His tomb was damaged and his remains dispersed by Huguenots in 1572.
1316-1334: JOHN XXII (Ioannes XXII)
Born in c. 1244 at Cahors, France as Jacques Duese.
He was bishop of Avignon.
Elected pope in 1316 in Lyon, France.
He was crowned in 1316 at Lyon Cathedral.
Died in 1334 at Avignon.
Buried at the Cathedral of Avignon.
1334-1342: BENEDICT XII (Benedictus XII)
Born in c. 1280/85 at Saverdun near Toulouse, France as Jacques Furnier.
He was bishop of Mirepoix, France.
Elected pope in 1334 in Avignon.
He was crowned in 1335 at Dominican convent in Avignon.
Died in 1342 at Avignon.
Buried at the Cathedral of Avignon.
1342-1352: CLEMENT VI (Clemens VI)
Born in 1291 at Maumont, Limousin (France) as Pierre Roger de Beaufort.
He was archbishop of Rouen, France.
Elected pope in 1342 in Avignon.
He was crowned in 1342 at Dominican convent in Avignon.
Died in 1352 at Avignon.
Buried at Abbey of La Chaise-Dieu, France.
His tomb was desecrated and his remains burned by Huguenots in 1562.
1352-1362: INNOCENT VI (Innocentius VI)
Born in 1282 at Monts near Pompadour, France as Etienne Aubert.
He was bishop of Noyon and Clermont.
Elected pope in 1352 in Avignon.
He was crowned in 1352 at the chapel of the papal palace in Avignon.
Died in 1362 at Avignon.
Buried at the Carthusian Monastery in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France.
1362-1370: URBAN V (Urbanus V)
Born in 1310 at Castle Grisac, Lozère, France as Guillaume de Grimoard.
He was papal legate in Italy.
He was abbot of St Victor in Marseille when elected pope in 1362 in Avignon.
He was crowned in 1362 at the chapel of the papal palace in Avignon.
Died in 1370 at Avignon.
Buried firstly in the Cathedral of Avignon.
In 1372 his remains were translated to the Abbey of St Victor in Marseille, France. The tomb had been destroyed during the French revolution and reconstructed recently.
1370-1378: GREGORY XI (Gregorius XI)
Born in 1329 at Castle Maumont near Limoges, France as Pierre Roger de Beaufort.
Father: Guillaume de Beaufort. Mother: Marie du Chambon.
Elected pope in 1370 in Avignon.
He was crowned in 1370 in the chapel of the papal palace in Avignon.
Died in 1378 in Rome.
Buried in the Church of Santa Francesca Romana in Rome.
1378-1389: URBAN VI (Urbanus VI)
Born in c. 1318 at Naples as Bartolomeo Prignano.
He was archbishop of Bari when elected pope in 1378 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1378 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1389 in Rome (probably poisoned).
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1389-1404: BONIFACE IX (Bonifacius IX)
Born in c. 1350 at Naples as Pietro Tomacelli.
Elected pope in 1389 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1389 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1404 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome (no tomb).
1404-1406: INNOCENT VII (Innocentius VII)
Born in c. 1336 at Sulmona, Abruzzi as Cosimo Gentile de Migliorati.
He was papal collector of taxes in England and papal legate to Tuscany and Lombardy.
Elected pope in 1404 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1404 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1406 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1406-1415: GREGORY XII (Gregorius XII)
Born in c. 1325 at Venice as Angelo Correr.
He was papal secretary when elected pope in 1406 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1406 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Abdicated in 1415.
Died in 1417 at Recanati near Ancona.
Buried at Recanati Cathedral.
1417-1431: MARTIN V (Martinus V)
Born in 1368 at Gennazano as Oddo Colonna.
Elected pope in 1417 in Constance.
He was crowned in front of the Cathedral (the Augustinian convent) in Constance in 1417.
Died in 1431 in Rome.
Buried at the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
1431-1447: EUGENE IV (Eugenius IV)
Born in c. 1383 at Venice as Gabriele Condulmaro.
Formerly bishop of Siena.
Elected pope in 1431 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1431 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1447 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome. Translated to the Church of S. Salvatore in Lauro in Rome.
1447-1455: NICHOLAS V (Nicolaus V)
Born in 1397 at Sarzana near La Spezia as Tommaso Parentucelli.
He was papal legate to the Holy Roman Empire.
Elected pope in 1447 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1447 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1455 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1455-1458: CALLISTUS III
Born in 1378 at Jativa near Valencia, Aragon (Spain) as Alfonso de Borja.
Formerly bishop of Valencia.
Elected pope in 1455 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1455 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1458 in Rome.
Buried firstly at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
In 1610 his remains were translated to the Church of Santa Maria di Monserrato in Rome.
1458-1464: PIUS II
Born in 1405 at Corsignano near Siena as Enea Silvio Piccolomini.
Father: Silvio Piccolomini. Mother: Vittoria Forteguerra.
Formerly bishop of Siena.
Elected pope in 1458 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1458 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1464 at Ancona.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome, translated to the Basilica of Sant'Andrea della Valle in 1623.
1464-1471: PAUL II (Paulus II)
Born in 1417 at Venice as Pietro Barbo.
Father: Niccoló Barbo. Mother: Polixena Condulmer.
Formerly bishop of Vicenza.
Elected pope in 1464 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1464 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1471 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1471-1484: SIXTUS IV
Born in 1414 at Celle Ligure near Savona as Francesco della Rovere.
He was general of the Franciscans.
Elected pope in 1471 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1471 in Rome.
Died in 1484 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1484-1492: INNOCENT VIII (Innocentius VIII)
Born in 1432 at Genoa as Giovanni Battista Cibó.
Father: Aran Cibó. Mother: Teodorina de Mari.
Formerly bishop of Savona and Molfetta.
Elected pope in 1484 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1484 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1492 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1492-1503: ALEXANDER VI
(Prince Bishop of Andorra until 1472)
Born in 1431 at Jativa near Valencia, Aragon (Spain) as Rodrigo de Borja y Borja.
Elected pope in 1492 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1492 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1503 in Rome.
Buried firstly at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
In 1610 his remains were translated to the Church of Santa Maria di Monserrato in Rome.
1503: PIUS III
Born in 1439 at Siena as Francesco Todeschini.
He was papal legate to Germany.
Elected pope in 1503 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1503 in Rome.
Died in 1503 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome, translated to the Basilica of Sant'Andrea della Valle in 1623.
1503-1513: JULIUS II (Iulius II)
Born in 1453 at Albissola near Savona as Giuliano della Rovere.
He was papal legate to France.
Elected pope in 1503 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1503 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1513 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1513-1521: LEO X
Born in 1475 in Florence as Giovanni de' Medici.
Elected pope in 1513 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1513 in Rome.
Died in 1521 in Rome.
Buried in the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome.
1522-1523: ADRIAN VI (Hadrianus VI)
Born in 1459 in Utrecht, the Netherlands, as Adrian Florensz Dedal.
He was cardinal of Utrecht and viceroy of the Netherlands when elected pope in 1522 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1522 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1523 in Rome.
Buried in the Church of Santa Maria dell'Anima in Rome.
1523-1534: CLEMENT VII (Clemens VII)
Born in 1479 in Florence as Giulio de Medici.
Formerly archbishop of Florence.
Elected pope in 1523 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1523 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1534 in Rome.
Buried in the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome.
1534-1549: PAUL III (Paulus III)
Born in 1468 at Canino as Alessandro Farnese.
Elected pope in 1534 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1534 in Rome.
Died in 1549 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1550-1555: JULIUS III (Iulius III)
Born in 1487 in Rome as Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte.
Formerly bishop of Palestrina.
Elected pope in 1550 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1550 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1555 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Born in 1501 at Montepulciano near Siena as Marcello Cervini.
He was papal legate to the imperial court.
He was bishop of Gubbio when elected pope in 1555 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1555 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1555 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1555-1559: PAUL IV (Paulus IV)
Born in 1476 in Capriglia Irpina near Benevento as Giampietro Carafa.
He was papal legate to England (1513-1514) and papal nuncio in Flanders and Spain.
Elected pope in 1555 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1555 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1559 in Rome.
Buried in the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome.
1559-1565: PIUS IV
Born in 1499 at Milan as Giovan Angelo de'Medici.
Formerly bishop of Ragusa.
Elected pope in 1559 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1560 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1565 in Rome.
Firstly buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome, in 1583 reburied in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Rome.
1566-1572: SAINT PIUS V (Sanctus Pius V)
Born in 1504 in Bosco near Alessandria as Antonio Ghislieri.
Formerly bishop of Mondovi (Piedmont).
Elected pope in 1566 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1566 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1572 in Rome.
Buried at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome.
Canonised by Pope Clement XI in 1712 in Rome.
1572-1585: GREGORY XIII (Gregorius XIII)
Born in 1502 in Bologna as Ugo Boncompagni.
He was papal legate to Spain.
Elected pope in 1572 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1572 in Rome.
Died in 1585 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1585-1590: SIXTUS V
Born in 1520 at Grottamare near Montalto as Felice Peretti.
Elected pope in 1585 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1585 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1590 in Rome.
Buried at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome.
1590: URBAN VII (Urbanus VII)
Born in 1521 in Rome as Giambattista Castagna.
He was papal nuncio to Spain and Venice.
He was governor of Bologna when elected pope in 1590 in Rome.
Died in 1590 in Rome prior to his coronation.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In 1606 reburied in the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome.
1590-1591: GREGORY XIV (Gregorius XIV)
Born in 1535 at Somma near Milan as Niccoló Sfondrati.
Father: Francesco Sfondrati.
Elected pope in 1590 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1590 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1591 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1591: INNOCENT IX (Innocentius IX)
Born in 1519 in Bologna as Giovanni Antonio Fachinetti.
He was papal nuncio in Venice.
He was patriarch of Jerusalem when elected pope in 1591 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1591 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1591 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1592-1605: CLEMENT VIII (Clemens VIII)
Born in 1536 at Fano as Ippolito Aldobrandini.
He was papal legate to Poland (1588-89).
Elected pope in 1592 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1592 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1605 in Rome.
Buried at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome.
1605: LEO XI
Born in 1535 in Florence as Alessandro Ottaviano de Medici.
Father: Ottaviano de Medici. Mother: Francesca Salviati.
He was papal legate to France.
He was bishop of Palestrina when elected pope in 1605 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1605 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1605 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1605-1621: PAUL V (Paulus V)
Born in 1552 in Rome as Camillo Borghese.
Elected pope in 1605 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1605 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1621 in Rome.
Buried at the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome.
1621-1623: GREGORY XV (Gregorius XV)
Born in 1554 in Bologna as Alessandro Ludovisi.
Father: Pompeo Ludovisi. Mother: Camilla Bianchini.
Formerly archbishop of Bologna.
Elected pope in 1621 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1621 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1623 in Rome.
Buried at the Church of Sant' Ignazio di Loyola in Rome.
1623-1644: URBAN VIII (Urbanus VIII)
Born in 1568 in Florence as Matteo Barberini.
He was papal nuncio to France.
Elected pope in 1623 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1623 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1644 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1644-1655: INNOCENT X (Innocentius X)
Born in 1574 in Rome as Giambattista Pamfili.
He was papal nuncio to Naples and Spain.
Elected pope in 1644 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1644 in Rome.
Died in 1655 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In 1677 reburied in the Church of Sant'Agnese in Agone in Rome.
1655-1667: ALEXANDER VII
Born in 1599 at Siena as Fabio Chigi.
He was papal nuncio in Cologne (1639-1651).
He was bishop of Imola when elected pope in 1655 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1655 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1667 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1667-1669: CLEMENT IX (Clemens IX)
Born in 1600 at Pistoia as Giulio Rospigliosi.
Father: Giacomo Rospigliosi. Mother: Caterina Bisi.
He was papal nuncio to Spain.
He was secretary of state when elected pope in 1667 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1667 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1669 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome.
1670-1676: CLEMENT X (Clemens X)
Born in 1590 in Rome as Emilio Altieri.
Father: Lorenzo Altieri. Mother: Vittoria Delphini.
He was papal nuncio to Naples (1644-1652).
He was expert adviser of the Holy Office when elected pope in 1670 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1670 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1676 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1676-1689: INNOCENT XI (Innocentius XI)
Born in 1611 at Como as Benedetto Odescalchi.
Father: Livio Odescalchi. Mother: Paola Castelli.
Formerly bishop of Novara.
Elected pope in 1676 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1676 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1689 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Born in 1610 in Venice as Pietro Ottoboni.
Father: Marco Ottoboni. Mother: Vittoria Tornielli.
He was secretary of the Holy Office at the Vatican when elected pope in 1689 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1689 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1691 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1691-1700: INNOCENT XII (Innocentius XII)
Born in 1615 near Spinazzola, Puglia as Antonio Pignatelli.
Father: Francesco Pignatelli. Mother: Porzia Carafa di Minervino.
He was papal nuncio to Tuscany, Poland and Austria.
He was archbishop of Naples when elected pope in 1691 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1691 in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
Died in 1700 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1700-1721: CLEMENT XI (Clemens XI)
Born in 1649 at Urbino as Giovanni Francesco Albani.
Father: Carlo Albani. Mother: Elena Mosca.
Elected pope in 1700 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1700 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1721 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1721-1724: INNOCENT XIII (Innocentius XIII)
Born in 1655 in Poli near Palestrina as Michelangelo dei Conti.
Father: Carlo dei Conti. Mother: Elisabetta Muti.
Previously bishop of Viterbo.
Elected pope in 1721 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1721 in Rome.
Died in 1724 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1724-1730: BENEDICT XIII (Benedictus XIII)
Born in 1649 at Gravina, Puglia as Pietro Francesco Orsini.
Father: Ferdinando Orsini. Mother: Giovanna Frangipani.
He was archbishop of Benevento when elected pope in 1724 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1724 in Rome.
Died in 1730 in Rome.
Buried in the Church of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome.
1730-1740: CLEMENT XII (Clemens XII)
Born in 1652 in Florence as Lorenzo Corsini.
Father: Bartolomeo Corsini. Mother: Isabella Strozzi.
Elected pope in 1730 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1730 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1740 in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
1740-1758: BENEDICT XIV (Benedictus XIV)
Born in 1675 in Bologna as Prospero Lorenzo Lambertini.
Father: Marcello Lambertini. Mother: Lucrezia Bulgarini.
He was archbishop of Bologna when elected pope in 1740 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1740 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1758 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1758-1769: CLEMENT XIII (Clemens XIII)
Born in 1693 in Venice as Carlo della Torre Rezzonico.
Father: Giovanni Battista Carlo della Torre Rezzonico. Mother: Vittoria Barbarigo.
He was bishop of Padua when elected pope in 1758 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1758 in St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1769 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1769-1774: CLEMENT XIV (Clemens XIV)
Born in 1705 at Sant' Arcangelo near Rimini as Giovanni Vincenzo Ganganelli.
Father: Lorenzo Garganelli. Mother: Angela Serafina Mazza.
Elected pope in 1769 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1769 in Rome.
Died in 1774 in Rome.
Buried in St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In 1802 reburied in the Basilica of Santi Apostoli in Rome.
1775-1799: PIUS VI
Born in 1717 at Cesena in Emilia as Giovanni Angelo Braschi.
Father: Marco Aurelio Braschi. Mother: Anna Teresa Bandi.
Elected pope in 1775 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1775 in Rome.
Following French invasion of the Papal States in 1798 Pope Pius VI was deposed as head of state and imprisoned.
Died in captivity in 1799 at Valence, France.
Buried firstly in the Cemetery of St Catherine in Valence.
In 1802 his remains were translated to Rome and buried in St Peter's Basilica.
1800-1823: PIUS VII
Born in 1742 at Cesena in Emilia as Luigi Barnaba Chiaramonti.
Father: Scipione Chiaramonti. Mother: Giovanna Ghini.
Elected pope in 1800 in Venice.
He was crowned in 1800 in the Church of San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice.
In 1809 Papal States was annexed to France and Pius VII imprisoned at Savona near Genoa, then (1812) transferred to Fontainebleau (France) and back to Savona. He was released in 1814.
Died in 1823 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
PAPAL STATES 1814-1870:
1823-1829: LEO XII
Born in 1760 in Genga near Spoleto as Annibale Sermattei.
Father: Flavio Sermattei. Mother: Maria Luisa Periberti di Fabiano.
Elected pope in 1823 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1823 in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
Died in 1829 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1829-1830: PIUS VIII
Born in 1761 at Cingoli near Ancona as Francesco Saverio Castiglioni.
Father: Ottavio Castiglioni. Mother: Sanzia Ghisleri.
Elected pope in 1829 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1829 in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
Died in 1830 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1831-1846: GREGORY XVI (Gregorius XVI)
Born in 1765 at Belluno, Venetia as Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari.
Father: Giovanni Battista Cappellari. Mother: Giulia Pagani Gesa.
Elected pope in 1831 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1831 in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
Died in 1846 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1846-1878: PIUS IX
Born in 1792 at Senigallia (Sinigaglia) near Ancona as Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti.
Father: Girolamo Mastai Ferretti. Mother: Caterina Solazzi.
Elected pope in 1846 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1846 in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
In 1870 the Papal States was annexed to Italy and the pope declared himself "prisoner of the Vatican".
Died in 1878 at the Vatican in Rome.
Buried in the Basilica of St Lawrence Outside the Walls in Rome.
1878-1903: LEO XIII
Born in 1810 at Carpineto near Rome as Gioacchino Vincenzo Pecci.
Father: Ludovico Pecci. Mother: Anna Prosperi-Buzzi.
He was papal nuncio to Belgium (1843-1846).
He was bishop of Perugia when elected pope in 1878 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1878 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1903 in Rome.
Buried firstly in St Peter's Basilica in Rome, in 1924 translated to the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome.
1903-1914: SAINT PIUS X (Sanctus Pius X)
Born in 1835 at Riese, Upper Venetia as Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto.
Father: Giovanni Battista Sarto. Mother: Margarita Sanson.
He was patriarch of Venice when elected pope in 1903 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1903 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1914 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Canonised by Pope Pius XII in 1954 in Rome.
1914-1922: BENEDICT XV (Benedictus XV)
Born in 1854 at Genoa, Italy as Giacomo della Chiesa.
Father: Giuseppe della Chiesa. Mother: Giovanna Migliorati.
He was archbishop of Bologna when elected pope in 1914 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1914 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Sistine Chapel).
Died in 1922 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1922-1939: PIUS XI
Born in 1857 at Desio near Milan, Italy as Achille Ratti.
Father: Francesco Ratti. Mother: Teresa Galli.
He was papal nuncio to Poland (1918-1921).
He was archbishop of Milan when elected pope in 1922 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1922 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
In 1929 he achieved independence for the Vatican.
Died in 1939 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1939-1958: PIUS XII
Born in 1876 in Rome as Eugenio Pacelli.
Father: Filippo Pacelli. Mother: Virginia Graziosi.
He was papal nuncio to Bavaria and Germany (1917-1929).
He was Vatican secretary of state when elected pope in 1939 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1939 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1958 at Castel Gandolfo near Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1958-1963: SAINT JOHN XXIII (Sanctus Ioannes XXIII)
Born in 1881 at Sotto il Monte near Bergamo, Italy as Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli.
Father: Giovanni Battista Roncalli. Mother: Marianna Giulia Mazzola.
He was patriarch of Venice when elected pope in 1963 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1958 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1963 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Canonised by Pope Francis I in 2014.
1963-1978: PAUL VI (Paulus VI)
Born in 1897 at Concesio near Brescia, Italy as Giovanni Battista Montini.
Father: Giorgio Montini. Mother: Giudita Algisi.
He was archbishop of Milan when elected pope in 1963 in Rome.
He was crowned in 1963 at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Died in 1978 at Castel Gandolfo near Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
1978: JOHN PAUL I (Ioannes Paulus I)
Born in 1912 at Forno di Canale near Belluno, Italy as Albino Luciani.
Father: Giovanni Luciani. Mother: Bortola Tancon.
He was patriarch of Venice when elected pope in 1978 in Rome.
He was never crowned.
Died in 1978 at the Vatican in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
(Sanctus Ioannes Paulus II Magnus)
Born in 1920 in Wadowice, Poland as Karol Wojtyła.
Father: Karol Wojtyła. Mother: Emilia Kaczorowska.
He was archbishop of Cracow (Kraków) when elected pope in 1978 in Rome.
He was never crowned.
Died in 2005 at the Vatican in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
Canonised by Pope Francis I in 2014.
2005-2013: BENEDICT XVI (Benedictus XVI)
Born in 1927 in Marktl am Inn, Bavaria (Germany) as Joseph Ratzinger.
Father: Joseph Ratzinger. Mother: Maria Peintner.
Formerly archbishop of Munich.
He was prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in the Vatican when elected pope in 2005 in Rome.
He was never crowned. Abdicated in 2013.
Died in 2022 in Rome.
Buried at St Peter's Basilica in Rome.
FROM 2013: FRANCIS (Franciscus)
Born in 1936 in Buenos Aires, Argentina as Jorge Mario Bergoglio.
Father: Mario Bergoglio. Mother: Regina María Sivori.
Formerly archbishop of Buenos Aires.
He was never crowned.
The epitaph to Pope ADRIAN I in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican)
The tomb of Pope LEO III in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican)
The tomb of Pope ADRIAN III in the Abbey of Nonantola (Italy)
01. The tomb of Pope GREGORY V in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
02. The cenotaph to Pope SILVESTER II in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (Vatican).
The cenotaph to Pope SERGIUS IV in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (Vatican)
01. The tomb of Pope BENEDICT IX in the Monastery of Grottaferrata (Italy).
02. The epitaph to Pope BENEDICT IX in the Monastery of Grottaferrata (Italy).
01. The tomb of Pope CLEMENT II in Bamberg Cathedral (Germany).
02. The classical sarcophagus which probably served as the tomb of Pope DAMASUS II. Basilica of St Lawrence Outside the Walls in Rome (Italy).
The tomb of Pope LEO IX in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican)
01. The tomb of Pope GREGORY VII in the Cathedral of Salerno (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope VICTOR III in the Basilica of the Monastery of Monte Cassino (Italy).
The tomb of Pope INNOCENT II in the Basilica of S. Maria in Trastevere in Rome (Italy)
01. The tomb of Pope ADRIAN IV in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
02. The cenotaph to Pope ALEXANDER III in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (Vatican).
03. The tomb of Pope LUCIUS III in the Cathedral of Verona (Italy).
The tomb of Pope URBAN III in the Cathedral of Ferrara (Italy)
The tomb of Pope INNOCENT III in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (Vatican)
01. The tomb of Pope INNOCENT IV in the Cathedral of Naples (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope URBAN IV in the Cathedral of Perugia (Italy).
01. The tomb of Pope CLEMENT IV in the Church of St Francis at Viterbo (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope GREGORY X in the Cathedral of Arezzo (Italy).
03. The former tomb (now cenotaph) of Pope GREGORY X in the Cathedral of Arezzo (Italy).
01. The tomb of Pope ADRIAN V in the Church of St Francis at Viterbo (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope JOHN XXI in the Cathedral of Viterbo (Italy).
03. The tomb of Pope NICHOLAS III in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope MARTIN IV in the Cathedral of Perugia (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope HONORIUS IV in the Church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Rome (Italy).
03. The tomb of Pope NICHOLAS IV in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope CELESTINE V in the Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio in L'Aquila (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope BONIFACE VIII in St Peter's Basilica, Rome (Vatican).
01. The former tomb, now cenotaph, of Pope BENEDICT XI in the Basilica of St Dominic in Perugia (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope BENEDICT XI in the Basilica of St Dominic in Perugia (Italy).
03. The tomb of Pope CLEMENT V in the Church of Notre-Dame in Uzeste (France).
01. The tomb of Pope JOHN XXII in the Cathedral of Avignon (France).
02. The tomb of Pope BENEDICT XII in the Cathedral of Avignon (France).
03. The tomb of Pope CLEMENT VI in the Abbey of La Chaise-Dieu (France).
01. The tomb of Pope INNOCENT VI in the Carthusian Monastery in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon (France).
02. The tomb of Pope URBAN V in the Abbey of St Victor in Marseille (France).
01. The tomb of Pope GREGORY XI in the Church of Santa Francesca Romana in Rome (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope URBAN VI in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope INNOCENT VII in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
02. The tomb of Pope GREGORY XII in Recanati Cathedral (Italy).
01. The tomb of Pope MARTIN V in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (Vatican).
02. The tomb of Pope EUGENE IV in the Church of San Salvatore in Lauro in Rome (Italy).
03. The tomb of Pope NICHOLAS V in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope CALLISTUS III in the Church of Santa Maria di Monserrato in Rome (Italy).
02. The old tomb of Pope CALLISTUS III preserved in the Vatican Grottoes, St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
03. The tomb of Pope PIUS II in the Basilica of Sant'Andrea della Valle, Rome (Italy).
01. The tomb of Pope PAUL II in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
02. The tomb of Pope SIXTUS IV in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
03. The tomb of Pope INNOCENT VIII in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope ALEXANDER VI in the Church of Santa Maria di Monserrato in Rome (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope PIUS III in the Basilica of Sant'Andrea della Valle, Rome (Italy).
03. The former tomb of Pope PIUS III in the Vatican Grottoes of St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
04. The tomb of Pope JULIUS II in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope LEO X in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope ADRIAN VI in the Church of Santa Maria dell'Anima in Rome (Italy).
03. The tomb of Pope CLEMENT VII in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome (Italy).
Tombs in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican):
01. Pope PAUL III.
02. Pope JULIUS III.
01. The tomb of Pope PAUL IV in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva, Rome (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope PIUS IV in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Rome (Italy).
03. The epitaph to Pope PIUS IV in the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli in Rome (Italy).
04. The tomb of Pope PIUS V in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope GREGORY XIII in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
02. The tomb of Pope SIXTUS V in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome (Vatican).
03. The tomb of Pope URBAN VII in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome (Italy).
01. The tomb of Pope GREGORY XIV in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
02. The tomb of Pope INNOCENT IX in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
03. The cenotaph to Pope CLEMENT VIII in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope LEO XI in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
02. The cenotaph to Pope PAUL V in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome (Vatican).
03. The tomb of Pope GREGORY XV in the Church of Sant' Ignazio di Loyola in Rome (Italy).
01. The tomb of Pope URBAN VIII in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
02. The cenotaph to Pope INNOCENT X in the Church of Sant'Agnese in Agone in Rome (Italy).
03. The tomb of Pope INNOCENT X in the Church of Sant'Agnese in Agone in Rome (Italy).
04. The tomb of Pope ALEXANDER VII in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
01. The cenotaph to Pope CLEMENT IX in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome (Vatican).
02. The tomb of Pope CLEMENT IX in the Basilica of Saint Mary Major in Rome (Vatican).
03. The tomb of Pope CLEMENT X in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
Tombs in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican):
02. The cenotaph to Pope INNOCENT XI.
04. The cenotaph to Pope INNOCENT XII.
01. The tomb of Pope INNOCENT XIII in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
02. The tomb of Pope BENEDICT XIII in the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome (Italy).
01. The tomb of Pope CLEMENT XII in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (Vatican).
02. The tomb of Pope BENEDICT XIV in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
03. The tomb of Pope CLEMENT XIII in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope CLEMENT XIV in the Basilica of Santi Apostoli in Rome (Italy).
02. The cenotaph to Pope CLEMENT XIV in the Basilica of Santi Apostoli in Rome (Italy).
03. The tomb of Pope PIUS VI in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope PIUS VII in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
02. The cenotaph to Pope LEO XII in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
03. The tomb of Pope LEO XII in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope PIUS VIII in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
02. The tomb of Pope GREGORY XVI in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican).
01. The tomb of Pope PIUS IX in the Basilica of St Lawrence Outside the Walls in Rome (Italy).
02. The tomb of Pope LEO XIII in the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome (Vatican).
Tombs in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican):
01. Pope PIUS X.
Tombs in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican):
01. Pope PIUS XI.
02. Pope PIUS XII.
Tombs in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican):
01. Pope JOHN XXIII.
02. Pope PAUL VI.
Tombs in St Peter's Basilica in Rome (Vatican):
01. Pope JOHN PAUL I.
Photo 02 courtesy of Dr Jerzy Paździora
(Anagni, Cattedrale di Santa Maria, Via Leone XIII).
Here was crowned:
1243: Innocent IV
AVIGNON, THE CHAPEL OF THE PAPAL PALACE/FRANCE (Avignon, La Chapelle du Palais des Papes, Place du Palais).
Here were crowned:
1352: Innocent VI
1362: Urban V
1371: Gregory XI
AVIGNON, THE DOMINICAN CONVENT/FRANCE (Avignon, couvent des Dominicains. The convent was demolished in 1840).
Here were crowned:
1335: Benedict XII
1342: Clement VI
(Konstanzer Münster, Münsterplatz).
Here was crowned:
1417: Martin V
FARFA ABBEY/ITALY (L'Abbazia di Farfa, Via del Monastero).
Here was crowned:
1145: Eugene III
(Gaeta, Cattedrale dei Santi Erasmo e Marciano, Via Duomo).
Here was crowned:
1118: Gelasius II
L'AQUILA, BASILICA DI S. MARIA DI COLLEMAGGIO/ITALY (L’Aquila, Basilica di Santa Maria di Collemaggio, Piazzale Collemaggio).
Here was crowned:
1294: Celestine V
(Lyon, Basilique Saint-Just).
Here was crowned:
1305: Clement V.
This church was destoyed by French Protestants in 1562. Another church of the same name was erected nearby (1565-1663).
(Lyon, Cathédrale St-Jean, Place Saint Jean).
Here was crowned:
1316: John XXII
(Napoli, Duomo di San Gennaro, Via Duomo).
Here was crowned:
1254: Alexander IV
1. Agnes of Poitou, German Empress, consort of Emperor Henry III
2. Charlotte, Queen of Cyprus
3. Christina, Queen of Sweden
4. Mary of Montpellier, Queen of Aragon, consort of King Peter II
5. Otto II, German King and Emperor
ROME, German Imperial Coronations
881: Charles III the Fat and Richardis
896: Arnulf of Carinthia
962: Otto I the Great and Adelaide of Burgundy
967: Otto II
972: Theophano of Byzantium, consort of Otto II
996: Otto III
1014: Henry II and Kunigunde of Luxembourg
1027: Conrad II and Gisela of Swabia
1046: Henry III and Agnes of Poitou
1084: Henry IV and Bertha of Savoy
1117: Henry V and Matilda of England
1133: Lothar III and Richenza of Northeim
1155: Frederick I
1167: Frederick I (the second coronation) and Beatrice of Burgundy
1191: Henry VI and Constance of Sicily
1209: Otto IV
1220: Frederick II and Constance of Aragon and Hungary
1312: Henry VII
1328: Louis IV the Bavarian
1355: Charles IV and Anne of Świdnica
1433: Sigismund of Luxembourg
1452: Frederick III and Eleanor of Portugal (the last imperial coronation in Rome)
In 1797 Napoleon exacted from the Holy See nearly all papal regalia with the exception of the Tiara of Gregory XIII (16th century). The precious papal regalia, including the priceless tiaras of Julius II and St Silvester, were broken up by the French and disposed. In 1804 Napoleon offered Pius VII a new tiara which contained precious gems earlier stolen by the French from the papal treasury.
The most important items of the Papal regalia are kept at the Vatican Treasury and include:
-Tiara of Gregory XIII (16th c.)
-Paper tiara made for the coronation of Pius VII in Venice (1800)
-Tiara of Pius VII (1804),
-Tiaras of Gregory XVI (1835 and 1845),
-The Coronation Tiara of Pius IX (1846)
-Tiara given to Pius IX by Queen Isabella of Spain (1854),
-Tiara given to Pius IX by the Belgians (1871),
-Tiara of Pius IX, or the Palatine Tiara (1877),
-Tiara of Leo XIII (1887),
-Tiara of Leo XIII (1888),
-Tiara given to Leo XIII by Emperor Francis Joseph I of Austria (1894),
-Tiara of Leo XIII (1903),
-Tiara of Pius X (1908),
-Tiara of Pius XI (1922),
-Tiara of John XXIII (1959).
Another Tiara of Pope Pius IX (from the 1850s) is kept at the museum of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at Notre Dame, Indiana (USA).
The Tiara of Pope Paul VI (1963) is kept at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (Washington D.C., USA).
01. The papal standard, 17th century.
02. The standard of Pope Pius VII, 1800-1823.
03. The standard of Pope Leo XII, 1823-1829.
04. The standard of Pope Pius IX, 1846-1878.
05. The standard of Pope Pius XI, 1922-1939.
06. The standard of Pope Paul VI, 1963-1978.
07. The standard of Pope John Paul II, 1978-2005.
08. The standard of Pope Benedict XVI since 2005.
(Orvieto, chiesa di sant'Andrea, Piazza della Repubblica).
Here was crowned:
1281: Martin IV
(Perugia, Duomo di San Lorenzo, Piazza 4. Novembre).
Here was crowned:
1265: Clement IV
ROME, BASILICA OF ST PETER/VATICAN (Roma, Basilica San Pietro, Piazza San Pietro/St Peter's Square).
Here were crowned:
1055: Victor II
1144: Lucius II
1154: Adrian IV
1198: Innocent III
1272: Gregory X
1276: Innocent V
1285: Honorius IV
1288: Nicholas IV
1295: Boniface VIII
1303: Benedict XI
1378: Urban VI
1389: Boniface IX
1404: Innocent VII
1406: Gregory XII
1431: Eugene IV
1447: Nicholas V
1455: Callistus III
1458: Pius II
1464: Paul II
1484: Innocent VIII
1492: Alexander VI
1503: Julius II
1522: Adrian VI
1523: Clement VII
1550: Julius III
1555: Marcellus II
1555: Paul IV
1560: Pius IV
1566: Pius V
1585: Sixtus V
1590: Gregory XIV
1591: Innocent IX
1592: Clement VIII
1605: Leo XI
1605: Paul V
1621: Gregory XV
1623: Urban VIII
1655: Alexander VII
1667: Clement IX
1670: Clement X
1676: Innocent XI
1689: Alexander VIII
1700: Clement XI
1730: Clement XII
1740: Benedict XIV
1758: Clement XIII
1878: Leo XIII
1903: Pius X
1914: Benedict XV
1922: Pius XI
1939: Pius XII
1958: John XXIII
1963: Paul VI
ROME, BASILICA OF ST JOHN LATERAN/VATICAN (Roma, Basilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, Piazza di Porta San Giovanni).
Here were crowned:
1048: Damasus II
1153: Anastasius IV
1227: Gregory IX
1691: Innocent XII
1823: Leo XII
1829: Pius VIII
1831: Gregory XVI
1846: Pius IX
(Velletri, Cattedrale di San Clemente, Piazza San Clemente).
Here was crowned:
1181: Lucius III
(Vienne, Cathédrale St-Maurice, Place Saint Maurice).
Here was crowned:
1119: Callistus II
VENICE, BASILICA OF SAN GIORGIO MAGGIORE/ITALY (Venezia, Basilica di San Giorgio Maggiore, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore).
Here was crowned:
1800: Pius VII
Photo courtesy of Mr Alexander Kosmala
(Verona, Chiesa di Castel San Pietro).
Here was crowned:
1185: Urban III.
The church was demolished during the reconstruction of the castle and its fortifications in the 14th century.
(Viterbo, Cattedrale di San Lorenzo, Piazza San Lorenzo).
Here were crowned:
1261: Urban IV
1276: John XXI
(Year, venue, name of the crowned):
1048 ROME: Damasus II
1055 ROME: Victor II
1118 GAETA: Gelasius II
1119 VIENNE: Callistus II
1144 ROME: Lucius II
1145 FARFA: Eugene III
1153 ROME: Anastasius IV
1159: Alexander III
1181 VELLETRI: Lucius III
1185 VERONA: Urban III
1187 FERRARA: Gregory VIII
1191: Celestine III
1198 ROME: Innocent III
1216 ROME: Honorius III
1227 ROME: Gregory IX
1243 ANAGNI: Innocent IV
1254 NAPLES: Alexander IV
1261 VITERBO: Urban IV
1265 PERUGIA: Clement IV
1272 ROME: Gregory X
1276 ROME: Innocent V
1276 VITERBO: John XXI
1277 ROME: Nicholas III
1281 ORVIETO: Martin IV
1285 ROME: Honorius IV
1288 ROME: Nicholas IV
1294 L'AQUILA: Celestine V
1295 ROME: Boniface VIII
1303 ROME: Benedict XI
1305 LYON: Clement V
1316 LYON: John XXII
1335 AVIGNON: Benedict XII
1342 AVIGNON: Clement VI
1352 AVIGNON: Innocent VI
1362 AVIGNON: Urban V
1371 AVIGNON: Gregory XI
1378 ROME: Urban VI
1389 ROME: Boniface IX
1406 ROME: Gregory XII
1417 CONSTANCE: Martin V
1431 ROME: Eugene IV
1447 ROME: Nicholas V
1455 ROME: Callistus III
1458 ROME: Pius II
1464 ROME: Paul II
1471 ROME: Sixtus IV
1484 ROME: Innocent VIII
1492 ROME: Alexander VI
1503 ROME: Julius II
1513 ROME: Leo X
1522 ROME: Adrian VI
1523 ROME: Clement VII
1550 ROME: Julius III
1555 ROME: Marcellus II
1555 ROME: Paul IV
1560 ROME: Pius IV
1566 ROME: Pius V
1572 ROME: Gregory XIII
1585 ROME: Sixtus V
1590 ROME: Gregory XIV
1591 ROME: Innocent IX
1592 ROME: Clement VIII
1605 ROME: Leo XI
1605 ROME: Paul V
1621 ROME: Gregory XV
1623 ROME: Urban VIII
1644 ROME: Innocent X
1655 ROME: Alexander VII
1667 ROME: Clement IX
1670 ROME: Clement X
1676 ROME: Innocent XI
1689 ROME: Alexander VIII
1691 ROME: Innocent XII
1700 ROME: Clement XI
1721 ROME: Innocent XIII
1724 ROME: Benedict XIII
1730 ROME: Clement XII
1740 ROME: Benedict XIV
1758 ROME: Clement XIII
1769 ROME: Clement XIV
1800 VENICE: Pius VII
1823 ROME: Leo XII
1829 ROME: Pius VIII
1831 ROME: Gregory XVI
1846 ROME: Pius IX
1878 ROME: Leo XIII
1903 ROME: Pius X
1914 ROME: Benedict XV
1922 ROME: Pius XI
1939 ROME: Pius XII
1958 ROME: John XXIII
1963 ROME: Paul VI
Select Bibliography
Camera M.: Annali delle Due Sicilie dall'origine e fondazione fino a tutto il regno dell' augusto sovrano Carlo III. Borbone, Napoli 1841
Danmarks-Album med Europa atlas. Flag-serien 1-180, København [1934?]
Hjorth J., Samling af Nations Flage og Vimpler, Kiöbenhavn 1820
Kelly J. N. D.: The Oxford Dictionary of Popes, Oxford 1986
Le Gras M. A.: Album des pavillons, guidons, flammes de toutes les puissances maritimes, Paris 1858
Lopes A.: The Popes. The Lives of the Pontiffs through 2000 Years of History, Roma 2005
Montini, R. U.: Le tombe dei papi, Roma 1957
Pavillons des puissances maritimes en 1819, [Paris 1819?]
Venturi G.: Compendio della storia sacra e profana di Verona, Verona 1825